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The Chip Board Archive 17

Contest: Win a $5 and $25 Hard Rock Playboy Chips

Yes, you heard that right. The Collection Library hit 10,000 traders tonight so I felt a special contest was in order.

Plus as many of you know, I've been though a lot lately and I want to celebrate getting past some bad weeks of late. So, yes this is a real contest. Show below are the two chips up for grabs:

Entry Requirements:

  • 1. You must be a current ccgtcc member. I will validate your membership status with the membership officer after the contest is over. So if you're not a member, please become a member now! Otherwise, please do not enter.

  • 2. You must have a Collection Library account. You may sign up for a Collection Library account at

  • 3. You must have at least five traders published on your Collection Library website and those traders must have valid scans attached to them.

  • 4. You must post your entry to this thread along with your full name and ccgtcc membership number.

  • 5. You may only enter once.

  • 6. The contest closes on May 27th at 11am CDT.

  • 7. There will only be one winner of this contest.

  • 8. You can't guess a driver that has already been taken (for part 1 of the contest).

This is a two part contest.

In order to win the 2nd part, you must win the 1st part.

Part 1 - Win the $5 Hard Rock Playboy Chip (shown above):

You must guess the driver who finishes LAST place in the Indy 500 as shown by the official results. Please note that just because a car crashes first, doesn't mean they will be listed in last place. They may bring their car back out during the race. Your driver has to be listed last in the official standings.

Important: You cannot guess a driver's name that has already been taken by a previous entry.

Part 2 - Win the $25 Hard Rock Playboy Chip (shown above):

If you are the winner of Part 1, then you are the only person eligible for Part 2. (Sorry guys, I can't make it too easy to give away such a special and expensive chip!). To win part 2, you must guess the Winner of the Indy 500 as listed by the official results.

Important: For part 2, it doesn't matter if some else guesses your driver in a previous entry. You can guess whoever you think will win the race. So that gives you a 1 in 32 chance of winning this great chip! Good luck!

Other Notes:
I am the one and only Judge of this contest. I am not a lawyer so hopefully I've spelled out the rules in a complete enough fashion to cover all the bases. In any case, I will have final say over who as won the $5 chip and possiblily the $25 chip too.

The Collection Library system goes down every night for daily backups. This happens sometime after midnight (you'd think I'd know the exact time). It is usually only down for about an hour. So if you can't get in to register, just try again a little later.

Messages In This Thread

Contest: Win a $5 and $25 Hard Rock Playboy Chips
I'll kick it picks
Good Luck Craig. He picked: Phil Giebler
Please post your LAST PLACE driver in msg subject
LAST:: Danica Patrick
LAST: Jaques Lazier
Jon Herb last place......
LAST: Marty Roth
Last Place: Sarah Fisher
LAST PLACE WAS: Roberto Moreno (77) NO WINNER....
Thank you , Brian
grin Well, since no one guessed Roberto Moreno,...
Dang Giebler! He tried to be last grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg