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The Chip Board Archive 17

Re: Tom Munro... is alive! - NCR

How does that quote go.. "the rumors of my demise a greatly exaggerated" or something like that.

Today is the first day that I touched my home PC since late last week. We just went through a long weekend here and given that the forecast called for rain and possibly snow - I decided to tackle the interior finish of my garage. A project that I thought would take me to Sunday at the latest. It's a good thing I am not a project manager.

The plan was simple enough. Finish up the last of the insulation (yes it is insulated... it can get cold up here) and install the wall sheeting. I opted to go for oriented strand board for the entire thing. First of all, it's durable for the garage. Secondly, it's about $5 a sheet cheaper than drywall (sheetrock for my southern friends) and doesn't require painting or finishing. Oh, and after that, build in the work bench and shelving so I could maximize the storgae space.

I have to preface this next part with the fact that parking on the street is tough to get in my 'hood and I had to have parking in the garage available for Monday night. I moved out the two cars from the garage and parked them where I could and then kept my truck handy, got the supplies from the lumber yard and started to work... Needless to say, I was scrambling on Monday to get enough space in the garage for 1 car. Through the weekend, the project director (the lovely and talented Laurie) kept coming up with little "I need some help" projects and my neighbor (who has less carpentry skills than a fish...) got into trouble with a couple of his little projects. By the time each day ended, I crawled into bed and slept like a baby only to get up and do it again.

I managed to get all the walls done and start on the celing and move everything else to the one side. Guess what I have been doing at night? I'm getting closer to being done all of the interior.

As for the days... I started work with a new employer three weeks ago and it's been nuts. I took on the role of Construction Safety Supervisor (Canada) for one of the largest pipline owners in north america. We ship the vast majority of petroleum liquids (oil) from western Canada through Superior, WI and on down to Chicago. We're in the early phases of a 13-tank merchant tank farm and we ahd to do a site visit yesterday. Left the house at 5:30 and got home last night at 9:30. No computer. On the bright side, I will be in Oklahoma next month, Wisconson & Illinois later in the summer and will be looking for the local collectors and Casinos when I am there.

I have responded to a couple of emails before i left for work this morning and will get to everything tonight and tomorrow. I am off tomorrow and will be getting ready to pour sidewalks on Saturday. I just need to tie all the rebar, double check the forms and reinforce everything. A couple of hours worth or work, and then I have the afternoon to chip! Anybody good with a wheelbarrow? I need some laborers for Saturday. Pay is in the form of Smokies, burgers and BEER.

Sorry for dropping out... it happens once in a while.

Messages In This Thread

Tom Munro...are you out there?
Re: Tom Munro...are you out there?
Re: Tom Munro...are you out there?
Re: yea, we were working some Regina chips and ...
Re: Tom Munro... is alive! - NCR

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