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The Chip Board Archive 17

Stolen Chips Advisement!....

The following information was provided by Mr. Jim Noll, Southern California Casino Collectors Club...

So. Calif. Casino Collectors Club:
Stolen Chip Notice:
Member John Johannes has reported that at the May 15 th. meeting at Hollywood Park Casino
2 expensive Calif. Card Room chips were stolen from one of his 3 chip binders that were left "unattended" for about 30 to 45 minutes between 8:15 PM & 9:00 PM while he was dealing with other collectors at the meeting.
A scan of the two chips is attached:
They are described as :
$ 100 Huntington Park Casino - INLAY - Huntington Park Value : $ 60

$ 100 Joe's Cafe & Card Room - GHS - Lg Crn - Brawley Value : $ 85

While it is still " fresh " in your mind , please " jog " your memories and let him know
if you saw anyone actually take the chips without paying for them - or - if you remember
anything that may be helpful in " recovering " the 2 stolen chips .
Thanks in advance for any help / assistance you may be able to provide .
John Johannes can be contacted at :

Please note that the above message was emailed to members of the Southern Califorina Club and is being reprinted here for greater dissemination. There is no intent to spoil a future sale and offering of either of these chips, but in the event that either (or both) are offered, please keep in mind the possibility of a fraudulent offering.

Thank you,

Jim Follis
ccgtcc OLCD

Copyright 2022 David Spragg