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WSOP Champ for VP of US ? NCR

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Greg Raymer Considering Run at Presidency
He May Run for Vice President on the Libertarian Party with Sport's Handicapper
The 2008 Presidential election may include a little World Series of Poker flavor.

Greg Raymer, the 2004 WSOP champion, is considering joining famed sports handicapper Wayne Allyn Root on a Libertarian ticket at the run for the Presidency. Root, who is going to try to win the Libertarian nomination, and Raymer are currently feeling each other out to see if they would make good running mates.

Neither of them believes that they stand a chance to be elected, but both feel that 2008 gives the Libertarian Party a chance to plant the seeds for a future election where maybe a third-party could win the Presidency. Raymer is seriously considering joining the race.

One sunny Friday in May, Root, who says after being long-time Republican switched to Libertarian last year, welcomed a cameraman into his home to film him, Raymer and Mike Matusow talk about the state of politics in America and how he believes he could reinvigorate a party of charmless “intellectuals.”

“My purpose in doing this isn’t to get elected,” Root said. “But I’m going to start a movement that’s going to catch fire. We’re going to make a difference.”

The cameraman was there to shoot a five-minute video that will be used to sell cable networks on his reality TV show. Root plans on using the money made through the show to fund the campaign. The company that wants to produce the show is the same one behind The Jerry Springer Show.

Root reached out to Raymer late last year. The two share many of the same political philosophies concerning personal freedoms in America, something they both believe is being eroded. They also believe that online gaming could be a rallying point for the Libertarian Party and hope that online gambling fans will rally around the two men and force the mainstream parties to address their concerns.

Raymer does have the background for politics. Before he became WSOP Champ, he worked as a patent attorney.

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