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The Chip Board Archive 16

Crystal Palace NCV

Here's an oversized chip I bought off a guy at the black jack table. All I could find out was that it was a promotion of some sort. I caught him as he was making his last bet, and right before the dealer finished shuffling.....and just about to deal. I tapped him on the shoulder and said "I'll give you a real money chip for that promo chip...I collect them" He said "you bet" and pulled it off the top of the stack of chips he had just bet. Just as he did, the dealer started dealing. This was his last one! These were the only ones I saw around even though I looked hard for them.

I tried to ask him about them, but right before he answered he busted out and got mad. within seconds he had gathered his remaining real chips and left.

So now you know as much about these as I do. I'll find out more on my next trip. I am assuming that these are given out as an incentive for time share suckers....ummm...I mean prospects.

This was the only new chip that I saw while on both islands. This NCV was in mont condition, and edges you could shave with.

Size= 43mm!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg