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The Chip Board Archive 16

my opinion regarding the all computerized cardroom

Just returned from the lake Bowl in Folsom California which recently (within the past 3 weeks) converted all their dealer poker tables into computerized tables.

I already developed an opinion prior to my playing which was that I didn't think I'd like it. As it turns out, my feelings have somewhat relaxed and can see the positive and negative aspects of both options.

As far as the cardroom is concerned, it's a goldmine. No dealer salaries to pay and the machine manufacture guarantees 60 hands dealt per hour.

Personally, I don't like internet poker and as of last night, used up all but $5.12 of my bankroll. I don't think I will be depositing any more money into the account. This computerized cardroom poker is almost the same.

We each have our own screen (table seats 10) from where we can control our actions, and a huge master screen in the center of the table.

Although the action is fast, we can access the last hand immediately if we missed anything prior to the new deal. It shows our hand and the winning hand. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that prior the playing, each of us gets a players card after depositing a dollar amount into our account.

The big problem I have with this computerized system is that there is a record of all our winnings and well as loses which might somehow end up in the IRS computers as well. And I forgot to ask when I was there today, if a 1099 wiuld be issued if winning were greater than $600.00 in any single session.

I like the fact that I am not abligated to tip the dealers (which saves me $6,000 per year based on 30 hours of play per week.)

There are no mistakes. The human aspect of the game are taken out of the game. The negative part of this is that "tells" are difficut to master. There are no chips to rattle which is a major tell of some players.

But all and all, I still prefer the live game. But I think it may be the future for many cardrooms.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg