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The Chip Board Archive 16

Re: Oh come on! Another PUMA. Have U noticed they

A different friend just happens to approach this person with a chip to sell once a week. Somehow just a couple people got them and rather than sell the chips themselves they go to this friend. Sounds all legit to me.

You're not reading anything into this are you?

I'll tell you what it sounds like, but the post would never get past the "word check"! grin


Messages In This Thread

Oh come on! Another PUMA. Have U noticed they come
Re: Oh come on! Another PUMA. Have U noticed they
Post it......I can read between the lines.
Wouldn't a 3 day, or maybe even a 1 day.....
Just to set the record straight...
Re: Just to set the record straight...
How recent a member? Like 4 days?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg