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The Chip Board Archive 16

In Perspective

As we enter the final few days of the year, I would like to share a few thoughts with my online friends.

I am a daily visitor to the Chipboard and enjoy mostly everything that is posted on this forum. I appreciate the efforts of those who are involved in making this online community vibrant and alive. Greg Susong gives a lot to the hobby, both in his time and resources. I do not take his efforts for granted, he makes it happen. And I also appreciate all the others who contribute to the Chipboard by monitoring the content of the posts to make sure that they are appropriate. Thank you.

The Chip Collecting hobby is an organized hobby mostly due to the efforts of the Casino Chip and Gaming Token Collectors Club, the CCGTCC, the Club. The Club is run by volunteers. People just like you and I. People with families, people with jobs, and people with other business and social responsibilities. And yet, as busy as they are, they donate their time in the service of others. I do not take their efforts for granted. I appreciate all that the officers and other volunteers of the CCGTCC do for the hobby. Mike S., Wayne, Mike Q., Belinda, Ralph and everyone else, THANK YOU.

As an organized hobby, we have power. When we work together we can make things happen. We can have an annual convention in Las Vegas. We can have the finest publication in the numismatic world, Casino Chip and Token News. Hopefully, some day, we can have a home. AND we can keep out those who seek to take advantage of us and make the hobby a strong and safe place and encourage more participation. But only if we exercise our power.

I speak out when I see someone trying to take advantage of chip collectors. I speak out to try and keep the hobby a safe place. Sometimes these online exchanges become uncivil. I apologize for that. I do not like to read about negative things in our hobby, but there are some negative things in our hobby. I believe that it is better to speak out and try to fix the problem than to remain silent and let others be taken advantage of. The power of an organized hobby is to share information so that we can keep out those who seek to take advantage of us.

Let's keep things in perspective. This is a hobby. We collect casino chips and gaming related memorabilia. We are here for recreation, to have fun. But it seems that there are heated exchanges on the Chipboard daily. Why? Why do some people get so angry about chip collecting? If I had a few wishes, I would like to see: (1) All personal disagreements removed from the ChipBoard. The ChipBoard should be a place for public, not private discussions; and (2) That all posts to the ChipBoard should remain civil. There is no need for negativity. Negativety makes this a less friendly place to be and keeps away collectors and potential collectors. Every discussion on every topic can be made without resorting to negativety. I view negativity like I do violence, ultimately both resolve nothing and can only make things worse.

And my third wish. There are those who do not like some things about our hobby and are vocal about it. Our hobby, like everything else, is not perfect. There are things that I do not like about our hobby. But, I see no point in just complaining.


My third wish would be that the complainers would no longer complain. Instead, if there is something that you don't like, speak up only if you can offer a solution in a civil manner. I do not expect that those who donate their time and efforts in service of others as volunteers in this hobby to have to stand for abuse from complainers.
It is not fair to the volunteers. It is not fair to the hobby. Instead of complaining, offer solutions.

I am friendly with some former officers of the CCGTCC who are no longer interested in holding office. They have advised me to not seek office. Why? Because of the public abuse they had to endure while in office. This is a public place. They have friends, family, and business colleagues that they have encouraged to become part of the hobby. They are tough enough to take the abuse, that is not it. But, they are thoroughly embarassed in front of their family, friends and business colleagues by the baseless accusations that have been made. It should not be like this. Our hobby needs to be a civil place that everyone can enjoy.

Those are my perspectives on our hobby and my wishes. Many will disagree with me. That is fine. I am willing to continue this discussion, civilly.

Happy Holidays and a healthy and wonderful New Year to all. May you get everything good that you hope for. Thank you to everyone who makes this hobby the best. Thank you.

Messages In This Thread

In Perspective
Excellent thoughts Charles - thank you! grin
Your post speaks for a lot of us TKS
Re: well put, Happy Holidays
The High-Road! Well said.
Terrific post, Charles!
Outstandinging Post!! Well Said!!
grin Excellent post, Charles!! grin
Excellent and timely post, thanks Charles.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg