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The Chip Board Archive 16

After a Tough Drunken Night in Elko..

Couldn't you imagine waking up at the "O.K. Motel", UGGH, Your heads pounding, your eyes feel like and look like two bloody eggs, everything hurts including Mr. Wiggly. Clouded Memories of fun and they always look better at closing time but nothing closes around here and you stayed way after if there would have been a closing time.

The last thing you can remember is being at Shorty's and the 449'er...JEEZ, how did I get here??? Stumbling drunk but still "suave", I got her to come with me, didn't I?"

You have alot of miles to drive today, but "Miss America" beside you is still happily snoring away. Just happy as a clam on the clean white sheets with crinkly plastic underneath, same for the pillow cases. PURE CLASS here at the O.K. Gosh, a look out the door sees rays coming and the promise of another 100+ degree day in a truck with no air conditioning, maybe an old 4 x4 (Hey, Mark Erickson, did they have them in the early 50's??) ...Maybe Reno and sleep later today or tonight? Sweating Blood all day down the highway..Sleep in Reno, doubtful...but a thought...You know you need it before heading to Frisco. Will it be the same thing again in Reno? Another "Miss America?"

Maybe take a shower before you leave, dry off with a threadbare towel that will take the hide off...Just wonder what the towel dried off over the years.

You do the righ thing and take, "Miss America" to breakfast that starts with some bloody marys at the Stockman's and then a good greasy breakfast. Jeez, I you have to get driving...Stomach roiling and tell her you will be back...But you gott a deal to make with Highway 40 on West until it runs out.

I could go on but I get some greatstories in my mind about these places.

I and you can only IMAGINE what took place.

Hope all is well,


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After a Tough Drunken Night in Elko..
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