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The Chip Board Archive 16

Collector's Assistant Plus--UPDATE

Just in case some of you who have the Collector's Assisstant Plus Casino Chip database program, and have not downloaded the free service pack update yet....a friendly reminder.

The service pack was released on October 5, 2006, and contains 34 improvements, updates and fixes.

You can download the service packs from this site. Remember to check to see which version you have in order to know which service pack you need. There is no need to download more than one service pack even if you have missed one or two. each service pack contains all of the previous updates, improvements and fixes.

Thank you to the people that brought some things to my attention over the past 6 months and at the convention. I continue to encourage people to contact me with any ideas which could better the program. If by chance you stumble upon a glitch or problem with the program, please let me know. Sometimes while making improvements, we accidently cause a problem here and there. That's the nature of programing.

Again....thank you to everyone for your fantastic support for the program. I'm surprised at how many people have come over to this program over the past year, that were previously frustrated users of Checkmate and other inferior programs.

Both Tom and I will continue to strive to make this everything anyone could possibly ask for and the best damned chip collecting database available on the planet.

If by chance you do not yet own the program....hop on the bus, Gus !

Here are the links:

Download area:

To purchase:

Copyright 2022 David Spragg