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The Chip Board Archive 15

Bond movie set, Casino Royale: BURNS! plus: Slot ?

Publicity stunt? Film out in October, filming all done... (click link below, to read story from CNN).

-At the very bottom is a pic of yours truly, reflected in the start-up screen of my first Odyssey slot (think Banana Rama, Krazy Keno, Silver Belle Express, Hot Reels, Lucky Draw Poker, 3 Reel Hold-Up, and many others) just as it came to life for the first time since being in a casino! It means the monitor, motherboard, memory board, video board - all work. Diagnostics worked too, telling me the hard drive was dead - but that's O.K., as I had planned on upgrading all the hard drives already. These machines, when completely cleaned & re-vamped, will be offered for sale FIRST - to members of the ccgtcc (residing in legal states, of course: ~10 year old games; Alaska, Arizona, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia)!

Still looking for cash cans for these machines - I need at least 4 of them...

Print this pic, show it to Slot Managers, Cage Managers, Storeroom Managers - tell them it's a cash can for the old Silicon Gaming Odyssey slots - and do they have any laying around that are slated to be trashed? Modest chip(s) bonus for anybody who finds me these cans cheap!
If your casino had any of these machines, it's a good bet they are all gone now, because IGT stopped supporting the Odyssey platform (they bought the Odyssey's maker, Silicon Gaming, a number of years ago), and the machine is virtually extinct from casino floors.

Casinos typically have 2 for each machine on their floor - one in the machine, and one in the count room being cashed-out. If you had these machines, and your casino got rid of them - you may still have useless cash cans for the games taking up valuable storage space; and boy could I use some of them! These MARS cash cans were not popular among other slot manufactures back then, so it's probable that your casino doesn't use them on any other games, and thus won't need them. The cash cans are still available for "new from distributor-to casino cost", but I'm looking for "casino about to toss them-cost" rofl LMK with a post!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg