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The Chip Board Archive 15

Think about it Ralph...did you see ANY
In Response To: HEY WHINER... ()

food there???? I worked my shifts at the Club Promo table (I've got witnesses) and yes, I did come by to visit you. I would appreciate it, though, that in the future you not point me out to potential members as "the kind of people we're trying to keep out of the club"...I got feelings, ya know!!

Nice seeing you again, Ralph!! vbg Bedo

Messages In This Thread

Convention Chips & Thoughts
Kent...if my memory serves me right...
Think about it Ralph...did you see ANY
Steve how bout me & u together next year? grin
Brian tooooo grin
grin You got it, BUDDDDDDDDY!! grin
You Are A Winner
grin Much applause for Roy!!! grin
Re: Thank You Roy for Your..
vbg Right On. Roy did a great job vbg
How could you forget ...
Oooops, Sorry...,

Copyright 2022 David Spragg