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The Chip Board Archive 15

Thanks to auction...

Thanks Mark and it does read like it could be what Allan is the link to the auction...needless to say, by reading it, it sounded pretty good...execpt where he wrote......"used, in mint condition"...I swear, I'm having a hard time getting a grip on all this chip stuff..I can't seem to narrow it down to one single area I want to concentrate on, so I end up buying a very wide range of things...and never taking the time to concentrate on learning the history and identify the chips....It's been almost a year since I made this a "serious" hobby and I'm still lost and getting dupped here and there.
Thanks again,

Messages In This Thread

Illegal chips question...
Re: Illegal chips question...
Thanks to auction...
Re: Illegal chips question...
Thanks for info Jim...
I want them I want them I want them! vbg
Re: I want them I want them I want them! vbg
Thanks Jim
Re: Thanks Jim
You're a good guy, Jim
Hey Michael...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg