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The Chip Board Archive 15

Please congratulate...

...Eric Rosenblum and Gene Trimble, this year's inductees into the CC & GTCC Hall of Fame!

The Hall of Fame is the Club's greatest honor, and this year's honorees are very deserving of their induction.

Eric, for those of you who may not know him, has acted as the Club's legal counsel since the Club was incorportated. In fact, Eric has donated his time to incorporate the organization and then to obtain its charitable organization status with IRS, without which we would not be the Club we are today. He has served as parliamentarian for every annual business meeting since we began holding our own conventions, and has advised the Board on many issues throughout the years.

Gene is more visible, perhaps, because of his participation here on Greg's ChipBoard and the articles he's written for Chequers and for Casino Chip & Token News. He has, with the Four Queens, the original Fiesta, and now with the Palms, been a constant supporter of collecting and the Club, and has made sure that all chip programs he was involved with were collector-friendly. Through Gene's involvement, the Palms has hosted Greg's annual ChipBoard pre-convention get-together. The Palms has contributed enormously to the Club's building fund by donating items for sale or auction that would otherwise not be available.

Both gentlemen have contributed their talents, time, effort and dedication to the Club and to the hobby, and I'm sure you'll want to congratulate them.

For those of you who may not be aware of all of the members of the Hall of Fame, a link to their photos and biographies appears below. Eric and Gene will be added as soon as I can gather the necessary information.


Messages In This Thread

Please congratulate...
Re: Please congratulate...
Congratulations Gene, Eric, and Michael

Copyright 2022 David Spragg