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The Chip Board Archive 15

WELL, Rise and Shine...

My little Freakies and Others...GET MOVING..The Big Pow Wow Beckons...Have fun, travel safely, and hope you feel like crap on the way home...Just kidding...LOL!!!

WE will be headed out for this gala family event we couldn't weasel out of. Great thing is noone will pay any attention to us, (Not that I would want them to), we don't have respectable jobs, we work for Union Pacific.(We do not own a septic sucking service.) So, we will set back and sweat in the stifling heat with humidity..What fun...Listen to stories about too tight corsets, recipes that didn't work out, Cousin Matilda's problems with Reggie, How to Kill a rat with an oboe, fun things to do down at Millers Pond, How to Earn $14.00 the hard way, but (only if it's an emergency.), The best way to put a carrot in a snowman, Learn why they call cows "Bossy", Get directions to see the world's largest Ball of Twine, How to See Orville's new platypus and his trained Copperhead he is taking to church this Sunday just for laughs, Beckie's new training bra and why it won't fit, Hear questions about, "Is this Meth thing something we can make money at? Hell, we been doing Moon for years, that couldn't be much harder...Could it." If a woman like me ever got to town could Iget one of those vibrators? Then, hold a mirror to Grandma to see if she is still breathing in this styfling HELL or is it just humidity and did she gave up the ghost a week ago. Hear cousin Judy say, "She's OK, she never did p*ss much...Ok, so has she been there for how long????"

There will be great tips for fixing the pickup and did you hear that Toyo Tires, yeah, those Jap guys are making TRAILER TIRES!! Gotta get some of those!!

Seminars on how to use knitting needles to begin, end, and prolong life. Man, I wouldn't go near that with a 20 foot pole. How to calm down the shingles with homeopathy and a ball peen hammer. How to turn your beautiful daughter into a lesbian,(Just temporarily.) Never know Prince Charming might come along and she will have to get unglued from the one with her eyes and everything else too close together.)

Ok, Enuf, I am jealous...Have the time of your why we aren't at the Splash Bar at the Splash Bar. ...Hell, everyone will come running to B8tth*le township where we are.


Messages In This Thread

WELL, Rise and Shine...
Re: WELL, Rise and Shine...
I know how to put the carrot in the snowman

Copyright 2022 David Spragg