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The Chip Board Archive 15

NCR- Note to Von and ED....

In the last 2 days the Sheriffs Department has fired 3 guys....2 I can understand..the 3rd..I can't understand 100%...but the point is...if your guys bosses are as "by the book" as the Marion County bosses....then watch out what you do or say in here or in any open area on the net...It seems you guys have a "higher" standards that you have to abide by..that kinda sucks to me....based on the reason the guy was fired have to be a "cop" 24 hours a day, no matter what you do in your personal life.
And also to anyone who reads not post anything off color or sexual (even if totally harmless) directly to Von or Ed...Just some of the off color stuff that has been posted in here in the county I live in, would be enough to get these guys busted. The guy that got fired had a blog on My Space...and it was just him saying he was a cop and likes girls with big boobs and likes to drink beer....In other words....they don't want you guys to be honest human beings online or it seems...fratanize with strangers while indentified and as police officer...I hope to read more details on the reasons the guy got fired....there may be more to it...but if you guys hadn't heard or read about the fireings....just letting you know.

Messages In This Thread

NCR- Note to Von and ED....
Re: Von is in Vegas
Re: NCR- Link to the article about it....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg