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The Chip Board Archive 15

grin Very well put, Jay...
In Response To: Very well put, Tammy... ()

Great post! Terry is Terry and can always be counted on to post the unusual and/or the outrageous. Most of his posts make me laugh and a few have grossed me out. As you wrote, that's Terry being Terry.

I just clicked on First Time Readers Click Here at the top of this page and the following kind of sums things up...

You have just wandered into a public bulletin board where you may find the airing of many controversial issues in and outside the boundaries of the chip hobby. You will be reading and digesting opposing opinions of many dedicated chippers. Some of these chippers are brand new to the hobby, just like you are... others are seasoned veterans, more than willing to share their experiences and the knowledge they have received in the hobby with others.

The Chipboard posters are a very diverse group. How boring it would be if everyone agreed on every single issue. grin

Messages In This Thread

(Message Deleted by Poster)
grin Hey, Chuck...many thanks for the HR chips...
Re: My Feelings on Pictures....
I feel that big guys in tutus are more offensive..
Re: My Feelings on Pictures....
Re: whats up Barry :)
SOS, How about you???
Very well put, Tammy...
Re: Jay
grin Very well put, Jay...
It's always amazing to me to find ...
Some people are against drinking LIQUOR....
Re: Some people are against drinking LIQUOR....
grin knittin' some nice sweaters
Jay & Terry...we playing golf this year??
Re: Jay & Terry...we playing golf this year??

Copyright 2022 David Spragg