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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?


I feel like I'm giving away my Big Great Secret, but sadly I'll be going in for a hernia surgry next Monday and will not be able to make this trip this without further delay here is my little secret with back story.

When I was young my first real job i.e. W2 Form was enough to get my own account at the bank. When I made my first withdrawl I made a special request.

No matter where I went in town I paid in cash as not many places would take a check from someone my age and ATM cards were just that...ATM/Check cards and not the multipurpose pieces of plastic they are today.

If I returned to a place I had done business before, they remembered me even if it had been months. Places like Circle K where the person behind the counter sees hundereds of people a day.

I started doing what I do for just that reason. People get to notice you and realize you come in and are a regular customer.

What was my special request at the bank? Well, if you're a member of a certain camping/RV club then you may already have an idea, because my mother told me about it and I'm here to tell you it works!!!

I simply asked for $2 bills.

I believe it is Sam's RV Club that has large gatherings with thousands of trailers and campers and on one day during each convention everyone uses $2 bills to show the surrounding community just how much buisness they bring in when they come.

Now, when ever I go someplace and pay with cash I always throw in one $2 bill. Tips to people that are in the service industry remember you and are willing to take that extra step knowing that you are not only a tipper, but tip decent as well. There have been serveral times these people have gone to bat for me when something has been wrong.

Ask at your local bank for $2 bills and pretty soon they will be digging for them when you are waiting in line.

Oh, and if you happen to get handed a $2 bill with red ink on just found a Silver Certificate! You might keep an eye on the tellers when they are counting out your bills. I spotted one the teller skipped when counting out my bills for me one day and simple "Oh, I'll take that one as well." resulted in yet another find.

Messages In This Thread

Do you tip when you go to the cage?
i always tip no matter if its.....
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
i tell them theres a tip for ya if they can....
Three answers....
My Policy As Well
Great answer. Same goes for me.
Excellent Tipping Response
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
i do a couple dollars.i do more the....
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
Re:I agree Dave..
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
i have tipped many times at the....
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?
Re: Hope Your Surgery is Easy...
Re: Do you tip when you go to the cage?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg