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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: I did read it and agree.
In Response To: I did read it and agree. ()


I think we're all guilty of that to some extent, at least in some form or fashion.

Here's what I've decided to do. By the way I thought of this while sitting in the dentist chair today, so some good did actually come out of that visit.

I am going to place an empty glass jar in the cupboard and whenever I remove the loose change from my pocket, it'll go in that jar. I've decided that since I enjoy this hobby as much as I do, that squirreling together a few extra bucks for the cause is worth it. I encourage anyone that truly feels the same as I, to do the same! It’s not a challenge, although I do feel that if we're all seeking the same end result, then a group effort would help us obtain it, faster. I also see no reason to squabble & bicker or this issue. If we want it, lets ban together, roll up our sleeves, and get it.

Take Care,


Messages In This Thread

David Spragg: You'll get a kick out of this
Re: Sam you can write for Letterman....
Re: Sam you can write for Letterman....
I did read it and agree.
Re: I did read it and agree.
But what are you going to do with the money? grin
Re: But what are you going to do with the money? *

Copyright 2022 David Spragg