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The Chip Board Archive 14

why is feb more available?

Is Feb more available just because January was the first of the series, ya think?

I like Jan 'cause of the leopard-print top *LOL* I have my Feb, but would give it up for a Jan...oh well...I guess hooters (errr...chips) are like that, sometimes the ones that are the coolest just can't be had *shrug*

(wow, if nothing else, this whole hooters thang is sure good for innuendo, no? ;) )

Messages In This Thread

Stupid EBAYers - Hooters
I got mine from Chuck Smorese for $7.50
Re: I agree
It could happen, They only made 1,000 not enough
Re: It could happen, They only made 1,000 not enou
why is feb more available?
Re: It could happen, They only made 1,000 not enou
SO much for happy thoughts anyway
My Prediction........
There was a pair at $30 BIN two minutes ago
It's really a common refrain...
Re: Stupid EBAYers - Hooters

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