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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: I have seen this used as a strategy...

I was in a sit and go stud tournament where a guy did that very same thing - and he never played a hand. It came down to three of us, including him.

The other player and I then just checked and folded until he was blinded and brought in out. this was the only way that the two of us could be sure to make 1-2. I ended up 2.

It was funny to see, and I suspect that he/she did it in multiple tournaments, and problably ended up in the money for a few of them.

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TheChipBoard Road To The World Series #13 Winner!
Very good game Harry!
Congrats, Harry!
I'm registered for next week.
I have seen this used as a strategy...
Re: I have seen this used as a strategy...
I played in a satellite tourney yesterday
Hey who was...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg