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The Chip Board Archive 14

Actually, BUNKY, was created in...
In Response To: Originally issued in Vegas grin ()

Morrill Nebraska by Dick Barrett. He owns Rex Tool Company there and made jillions of "Bunkys" in the 60's and early seventies.

Also, know as "Mr. Plutonium" for his myriad of unique barbequing methods. All the way from getting gassed and filling the kitchen oven with briquets and lighting them...nearly killed everyone in the house from the carbon monoxide fumes.

Soaking down several hundred cinder blocks with gasoline over a two day period, at a Legion Barbeque...I saw that...Pretty impressive...

Then made jokes about getting some radioactive material to have a perpetual glowing barbeque pit in the back yard...

Just one of those unique individuals you run across that makes life fun...

Bunky is headed to Pennsylvania tomorrow...


Messages In This Thread

42 Casino Glasses, 1 Ashtray & a Big Rubber Goose.
The Rubber Goose looks like a fake to me grin
Very Real...Answers to Name of "Bunky"...
OK, Maybe I need to have "Bunky" SLABBED...
Re: "Bunky" SLABBED...No just breasted will be
Yeah, a fake "Canadian" goose. vbg
Originally issued in Vegas grin
Actually, BUNKY, was created in...
Re: ?? I thought....
Everything here is named "Bunky"...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg