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The Chip Board Archive 14

So far, 3 responses

One said no effect, one said value is halved and one says worthless (or I think that's what he means). So, is it just in the eye of the beholder? How do I make sense of those 3 responses? grin

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

How much does a yellowed inlay affect value?
I'll take lay opinions! grin grin
Re: I'll take lay opinions! grin grin
Re: How much does a yellowed inlay affect value?
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: żżż
I would also like to know... grin
I hope we find out! grin
Re: ???
Re: ???
grin Thanks for the clarification, Don!
So far, 3 responses
Re: So far, 3 responses
Nicely said

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