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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: 3-Ring Binders?
In Response To: 3-Ring Binders? ()

I considered lots of options, but finally settled on flips in 12-pocket pages. This gives me the ability to add Chip Rack numbers (thank you Allan grin), and any other notes that pertain to the chip. One helpful hint, though... If you DO decide on pages in binders, I have found that it is a MUST to keep the binders FLAT, rather than standing on end. If you leave them standing on end (in a bookcase or whatever), the pages will curl up over time no matter WHAT you do to try to prevent it.

Messages In This Thread

3-Ring Binders?
Re: 3-Ring Binders? Yes grin
Re: 3-Ring Binders?
Re: 3-Ring Binders?
Re: 3-Ring Binders?
Re: 3-Ring Binders?
I use 2x2 plastic flips with permanent labels
Watch for ink transfer
Totally agree with Dick.
Not only that ...
Re: Watch for ink transfer
Re: Watch for ink transfer
Re: Watch for ink transfer
grin My One and A Half Cents...
Phyllis117 thats worth 2 1/2 cents easy!!
rofl rofl rofl Well...
Sunny and warm in Santa Barbara with a cool breeze

Copyright 2022 David Spragg