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The Chip Board Archive 14

Should be coming Soon...I hope...
In Response To: I meant "trayology" ()

It's done, just have to get it posted...Floyd is finally caught up with everything I have sent him. Lynn is going to be posting Reno Histories as time permits.

Now, I am going to take time to audit the site...Spelling errors, missing dates, picture replacements, missing trays, etc.

While this is going on I will try and get the ashtrayology stuff grading and inspection.

AND...YES, Archie Black's Atlantic City Stuff...Sorry for the long delay Archie.


Messages In This Thread

NV Casino Ashtray Project..New Stuff
Re: NV Casino Ashtray Project..New Stuff
I'm hoping to see the chipology section! grin
I meant "trayology"
Should be coming Soon...I hope...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg