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The Chip Board Archive 14

Here is my favorite F.U.C.
In Response To: Show your F.U.C. ()

Just so happened that I had this posted from a couple of days ago! This baby looks like something that might drop out of the nose of an ox. Surprisenly the only other really dirty live chips I've seen was on a visit to to the Mirage about 8-9 years ago, couldn't hardly stack 20 red chips straight up w/all the boogers on 'em. Had to trade them for some 25's, sigh. Also note the last vestiges of the hat and canes on this warrior. Puts you in mind of the wafers Becky was passing off as chips over at Binion's years past... you could get about 110 of them in a rack! vbg Why yes, I am drinking a large black coffee.

Messages In This Thread

Show your F.U.C.
Hummm. Let me take that under advisement.
Re: Hummm. Let me take that under advisement.
Re: Show your F.U.C.
I like it!!! I have seen way worse
Show me!
Here is my favorite F.U.C.
Here is my favorite F.U.C.
This chip ...
Caution...ugly chip within
I don't care for the new LUXOR rack...
Keith, you said...
Ouch!! thats is ugly!! tops anything that I have!!
Re: Caution...ugly chip within
My Favorite Uggers!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg