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The Chip Board Archive 14

Better Yet....

I do not have a picture...One morning back in the year of 1978 I was on a train from Mansfield South Dakota going to Huron South Dakota...I was in the caboose and saw this guy floor boarding it towards our train. He went by first group of trees and wasn't slowing down, next bunch of trees, not slowing down...I thought boy this is going to be ugly if he doesn't slow down...He came out from the third bunch of trees...Whole Freightliner and trailer rolling in to the side of the train!!

I put the train into emergency braking and ran up there. No response...So, I ran to a pay phone and dialed 911. They came out...I was there before they got there...This guy had enough sense to get out from behind the steering wheel. He ended up with a nasty cut on his forehead and a broken collar bone...Very lucky man,


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NCR: Semi truck in a ditch...
Re: NCR: Semi truck in a ditch...
Re: NCR: Semi truck in a ditch...
Better Yet....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg