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The Chip Board Archive 14

Re: Yet another con vbg Just like the

When I was in college, we went to a strip bar (we must have made a wrong turn), and the machine was busted. THe strippers were getting money from the audience and playing the game. The got 1 or sometimes 3-4 every time. They did this until the machine was empty, and the bar was decorated with animals. The repair guy showed up and got so upset (can't use words like Pi**ed) that the bouncer threw him out.

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Candy of the Day
Yet another con vbg Just like the
Re: Yet another con vbg Just like the
Re: Yet another con vbg Just like the
Re: Yet another con vbg Just like the
Yeah, yeah, yeah grin
Re: Yeah, yeah, yeah grin
I once went 3 out of 5...
Yeah, but that was once vbg
The cranes

Copyright 2022 David Spragg