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The Chip Board Archive 14

A lot more about Borland has come to light
In Response To: I have looked at your site and ()

since I wrote that article (which also now needs updating) and the last TCR. Ive purchased or seen several sizeable stocks of Borlands various chips. Several hundred different chips, in quantities from 'one' to full boxes. All in original Borland boxes, all traceable back to Jerry Wall's stock and gathering dust since then. This has included hot stamps. The only ones I came across not listed in my article were Jolly Trolley $1, $5, $25, $100.
I showed those on the board a few months ago.

Many 'sceptics' have probably been 'in denial' over chips they have purchased in the past that were later suggested might be Borland's work. Some still dont accept it. Did Borland really make so many chips?
We now know that in the period from about 1992 to 1994 he probably produced more chips than Paul-Son.

Messages In This Thread

TCR question and Lady Luck Chip question
Obviously it should say finished reading lol
Chip rack note has no relevance to LL grin
I have looked at your site and
A lot more about Borland has come to light
I learned a big lesson here too
Is that true about Bill Borland???
Is probably a slight exaggeration grin
That't pretty impressive numbers!!
Re: That't pretty impressive numbers!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg