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The Chip Board Archive 14

Chips from flea market find.Info please.......

I went to the daytona flea market today and the only thing i could find is this.I know nothing about them or what they are worth?They are in pretty darn good shape.I have the Campiglia and Wells book but i would like to get a book that i could look up stuff like this and crest&seal chips.Can someone tell me whats out there? ty Von McKenzie
PS I cant wait to be home i got several chip packages to open grin

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Chips from flea market find.Info please.......
Re: Nice Find Von!!
Ty Dennis......
Re: Chips from flea market find.Info please.......
Thanks Don im going shopping for it now!
Re: Chips from flea market find.Info please.......
If you don't mind, how much did you get them for?
$20 grin
Awesome Thanks!

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