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The Chip Board Archive 14

bad news... will be gone till Monday

I just got a call from my parents and my dad who had colon cancer and was in remmision for a year and 2 months just found he has cancer on his liver.I was going there any way for thanksgiving day for a day.Now i will be gone longer(my mother doesnt take this well).As of now all of my chipping obligations has been filled(mailed traders,money for purchaces,ect.).The only one i have not sent is a chip i promised to the winner of sunday nights poker tournament and i have sent 2 emails asking for an adress to send the chip to.If i get the address i will get the chip out monday.If you owe me anything ya can still send it as i will have someone picking up my mail.
I will try and check my emails when i can get to a computer.If ya need to reach me ya can call me at 904-377-2617(if nessacerry as i have limited minutes)
Thats all i can think of now im a little FREAKED out right now so i got to take care of some work issues and ebay stuff then im outa here.TC Von McKenzie R-7134

Messages In This Thread

bad news... will be gone till Monday
Our Prayers Are With You and Yours
Re: Godspeed...
All the best wishes.
Von, take care of the family and God Bless.
Re: Von, take care of the family and God Bless.
Best wishes for your family.
Best wishes for your family
Best wishes to you & your family.
Our Prayers will include your family Von....
Re: Take care of your family...
Best of luck and best wishes for your family
Von,You & Your Family Are in Our Prayers
Re: bad news... will be gone till Monday
Ron - Our prayers and thoughts are with you ...
Will be thinking of you and yours
Re: take care of the Family Von!
Re: bad news... will be gone till Monday

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