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The Chip Board Archive 13

Last guess is....

The Who?


Messages In This Thread

George Elton Barry and me
Wow Paul!!
Barry Said
Dutiful husbands... rofl
Re: Dutiful husbands... rofl
rofl rofl rofl You're a sick man....
Re: Wow Paul!!
Oh c'mon!!!
Re: Oh c'mon!!!
Actually, you would find one of them
Elton John's Yellow Brick Road?
Geez. What on earth made you say that?
Next guess, John Meyer
Not remotely close grin
Dave Matthews Band...
Who? grin about Led Zepplin?
Close but no cigar grin
Pnk Floyd???
Nope grin I have one more guess?
Yes, one more grin to make this one count! grin
Last guess is....
Im afraid not grin The other CD's are
I recognize...
Re: I recognize...
Iron Maiden?!! I had no idea...
Re: Iron Maiden?!! I had no idea...
I'm not sure....
Re: Actually, you would find one of them
Duh! Now I see you've already posted...
Re: Duh! Now I see you've already posted...
Yeah but...
Re: Yeah but...
rofl Now THAT'S funny! rofl
Katie... What about me? Paul said he saw...
You're right Jim!
Paul, thanks for making your way clear to visit...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg