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The Chip Board Archive 13

Geez Andy. Tough question for me...

I really don't know, but statisically speaking, I'd say yes to both parts of your question. vbg

Seriously, I've not met him/her. I believe I've interfaced via the message board (they call it a forum) and I've played on-line poker against him/her in a Thursday night version of our ChipBoard King of Poker Tournament.

I know we like to know who we are dealing with here, however, I was just pointing out that HunterKing is a stranger in a strange land and I was just saying welcome to someone who meets all the tests from where he/she is venturing from.

However, since the IP makes HunterKing appear to be from the University of Georgia, I make no commentary (good or bad) about that, except to say that its better than being an un-named affiliate of the University of AOL! vbg


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Geez Andy. Tough question for me...

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