The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Ok.I'm back from Niagara Falls..what did I mis

As far as I know, the house chips WILL be the same. There has been talk of a $2.50 chip but unsure IF and WHEN.
MindPlay chips will be coming soon.

Also, I have recieved inquiries about the chips that are going to be OBS next week. When I go back to work this week, I will be talking directly with the Cage Director and see if I can get my hands on a few chips that people have asked for....that at best will be 20/80 (alot of red tape that I have to go through) so please don't be mad if I can't get them.

Any questions, feel free to fire away !!!!

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Ok.I'm back from Niagara Falls..what did I miss ?
Re: Ok.I'm back from Niagara Falls..what did I mis
Re: Ok.I'm back from Niagara Falls..what did I mis
Re: Ok.I'm back from Niagara Falls..what did I mis
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