The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 13

Thanks, Greg. I can raise the price now grin

Thanks, Greg, great info. Not only is the weave desgn the same, the rounded square border is the same! Email me, and I'll send you a free chip.

Their site:

Their logo:

My chips:

Presto! New auction:

Robert grin

Messages In This Thread

Does anyone recognized these chips?...
Yes They are Mine!..Where did you find them?.....
Re: Does anyone recognized these chips?...
I know the scan is not very good, but...
Re: Does anyone recognized these chips?...
Robert, any idea where they are from?..
No, don't know where they are from.
Re: No, don't know where they are from.
Re: Jed Clampet?????
Re: Jed Clampet?????
Re: Does anyone recognized these chips?...
Greg, sorry to hear of their demise, however...
Thanks, Greg. I can raise the price now grin
Re: Does anyone recognized these chips?...
Hey, you need to be practicing your uploads!...
Re: Does anyone recognized these chips?...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg