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The Chip Board Archive 13

In Response To: Re: Incorect....Kinda I guess ()

Jim, I did start something awhile ago. It was my hope to pull all the people interested in illegals and start a network of information. I wrote a few newsletters ( I reused a couple of articles from the Houston CCGTCC newsletter I wrote years ago and also wrote some new stuff. There was good response, but I completely ran out of time.

I became disenchanted with the infighting between the CCGTCC and the local chapters (I was even told that the Illegal Chapter couldn't exist because it wasn't geographic in nature). This also was in a time of major personal changes for myself.

In all, chipping took a backseat for awhile and so did the idea of an Illegal Club. (My completed Illegal Price Guide has been in mothballs for a year now.) I still have the membership list and hoped sometime to light the fire again.

I and others have been gung-ho before, but I now see things with a little pessimism. There are alot of ideas, but very little manpower to make them work.

Messages In This Thread

Any Intrest in trying to start an Illegal Club?
Re: Incorect....Kinda I guess
Say it ain't so Ed....
PS- An Illegals Guide?
Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Ah, to be young and full of fire again...
Re: Hmmm....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg