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The Chip Board Archive 13

An open Letter to Mr. Rich Hanover

Mr. Hanover; In regards to your posts about Bill Akeman. I highly suggest you had better do a whole lot of checking before you start making such statements as you have made on this BB.
#1 Bill had a horrendous collection that he had amassed over a twenty year period that most of you, including Jerry Wall never got to see.
(Even I only got to see parts of it).
#2 Bill and a partner bought the Chip business from GGS and the entire inventory was stored at the partners home. I worked for Bill, running the Chip Gallery business out of Bill's house.
#3 When this partnership was disolved and Mike Spinetti bought the entire inventory, he bought it from Steve's house.
#4 As long as Bill was involved with the Chip Gallery business his private collection remained untouched, as he did not want anyone to feel there was any kind of conflict of interest on his part.
#5 After the move to Missouri, as far as I know, he lost all interest in chip collecting and has been selling out of his collection for the past several months.
#6 So to "spell it out" in your words. The chips that Bill is selling had nothing what-so-ever to do with the Jerry Wall (GGS) inventory.
#7 I think you owe Bill a very large apology for even hinting at such a thing as you have done
just on your own speculation.

Janice O'Neal

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An open Letter to Mr. Rich Hanover
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Re: An open Letter to Mr. Rich Hanover

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