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The Chip Board Archive 13

Skee, et. al., I get these all the time...
In Response To: More Paypal Grief ()

I delete them as soon as they come in. I highly recommend that you only communicate to PayPal via their website and only after you log-in.

If you have no account with PayPal, then treat the mailings like SPAM or other junk mail....delete them!

According to the spammers, my list of designated email addresses on my list of approved PayPal recipients is about 100, when in reality it is about 5!

It sure is a dangerous World out there.


Messages In This Thread

More Paypal Grief
Re: More Paypal Grief
Re: More Paypal Grief
Every Day
Greg, how is your daughter's pageant going?
Re: Greg, how is your daughter's pageant going?
sad All those dreams that you had for her
Is this going to be televised?
Greg's internet access is intermitent. I asked...
Re: what a great Kid ya got there Greg!!
Re: Greg, how is your daughter's pageant going?
Greg, what are you doing? I thought we couldn't..
Re: Greg, what are you doing? I thought we couldn'
Wha??? Did you think you could...
Re: Wha??? Did you think you could...
Skee, et. al., I get these all the time...
Got one today
All the time.......DO NOT REPLY...
Re: More Paypal Grief
Forward it to
Skee it's a Phish for account information = SCAM

Copyright 2022 David Spragg