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The Chip Board Archive 13

Don't tell me YOU'RE a golfer!

Just say the word and I'll see you over at Westlake for an easy 18!

We can even walk.

Messages In This Thread

Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Jeez he's chubby....
Hey, Ross...where did you end up in the standings
Steve! grin Ross ended up in...
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
And a Thank You Terry for the Pics.
Absolutely, Terry!
Terry...great was a BLAST!!
Re: Las Vegas Golf...Even Chippers Do it !!!!
Don't tell me YOU'RE a golfer!
Jay U hit that stupid little ball grin
What would GOTTI say to that rofl
Hey, fuhgeddaboudit!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg