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The Chip Board Archive 13

I swear.....

This room is almost as a big a soap opera as a game room I play in...I play in the 40's and 50's rooms and you would not believe the ragging, pettiness, name calling 10 year old attitudes by "adult" folks. I have no idea why some take their problems with others into an open forum...maybe it's an ego thing or they are looking for supporters or they just want to be a pain in our butts...whatever it is, as long as this is an open forum to speak your mind then long live free speech and long live Greg Susong for having the gumtion and fortitude to put up with everyone..including me!!

Messages In This Thread

the truth hurts
Joe...I was just presenting my dealings
I swear.....
Re: the truth hurts
Re: the truth hurts
Re: the truth hurts

Copyright 2022 David Spragg