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The Chip Board Archive 13

OK heres my plan for the convention

Mon. - Lori goes for the angiography (thing I got spelling right but who cares grin) Tues is for pre op ---- Friday BIG day Operation on the coridic artery (spelling who cares as long as all goes well) Sat. home with me grin rofl Been drinking SOKI like its going out of style. So thats my plan for the convention while u are all having fun sad... Al kidding aside have a great time.... Good luck in the poker tourney Andy................ Hay give him a break let him WIN.

Messages In This Thread

OK heres my plan for the convention
Tommy, be sure to looks for us...
Lori and you are in our prayers.
Re: OK heres my plan for the convention
Re: OK heres my plan for the convention

Copyright 2022 David Spragg