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The Chip Board Archive 13

If things that people have been saying are true I

feel pretty bad about what he did. I must say I was taken in my the story and even considered making a dontaion to make sure he can make the convention (Fortunately I did not).

If this was all a scam, it did much more harm than even Greg might think. People will now be much more skeptical of those truly in need and they will suffer for that.

Sorry to hear that a fellow chipper would do such a thing.

Messages In This Thread

My last contact with Greg Bryson
My one and a half cents...
Maybe Greg B. is really Burt B.?
Julie, Did I miss something?
Feel free to email me
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
Re: Julie, Did I miss something?
If things that people have been saying are true I
Re: Doug, I have a feeling...
Thanks Kerry, your probably right.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg