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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: ALERT: Vic Galante
In Response To: Re: ALERT: Vic Galante ()

> Just a view of the views. Makes no ¢ (of course
> not)

That's correct, it does make no sense.

> The first 3 Posters of this subject had 99,
> 124 and 99 views. The 3 from WD were in the
> 30's...hmmmmmm, makes no ¢

Let me explain: the posts from WD are "form letters," that is, a canned message repeated every time Vic posts a trade offer. It's the same message each time I post, a standard warning. It's meant for the benefit of new collectors, new Club members, and anyone who has not had the pleasure of getting screwed by Vic. If you've read it once, you don't have to read it again. Thus, the reduced number of views.

Another factor influencing things is that my posts were written two and a half hours after the first three posts, and your observation was made after just another 90 minutes had elapsed. Thus, the first three posts had a 2 1/2 hour "head start."

It's really quite simple if you stop and think about it; perhaps you will do that next time. It seems that you take a position in defense of Vic despite his obvious scams and assorted offenses. Vic doesn't have many friends, so perhaps you and he can form your own trading club. You can be Members 00001 and 00002.

That may be part of the reason why you feel people aren't falling all over themselves offering you chips from your want list. I know it's a reason I would hesitate to trade with you. Most of us are club members or other honest, upright collectors. Vic isn't. You can trade with him all you like, but other people keep this in mind when considering a trade with you.

Should you have any comments or response, you can answer here on TheChipBoard or by email to

> I just notice things, my opinion, my thoughts
> and my 2¢.

Occasionally, things are worth exactly what we pay for them; sometimes less.

> Carry on fella's

Will do.


Messages In This Thread

grin $1 Chips for trade
He Obviously Can't Read but He Sure...
PORN ALERT: Vic Galante
Re: ALERT: Vic Galante
Re: ALERT: Vic Galante
Re: grin $1 Chips for trade
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Copyright 2022 David Spragg