The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 13

Extra! Website Updates Extra!

During the past month I have done a lot of work on my website and added a lot of new items.

All the dice I have for sale are now listed (approx 300 different pairs/sticks), I have just added around 100 new LV/NV chips, and during this week I will be adding about 120 NV obsoletes to their respective pages. These are all new items that I have not offered on the website or this board before.

The home page and the las vegas/nevada chip index pages have been redesigned to make navigation easier. Larger pages have had a floating menu added on the right hand side to allow instant 'jumping' to various points on the page.

On the 'recent additions' page I have a list of things just added to the site, and what else is soon to be added.

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Website Updates Extra!
Re: David - It's Much Better and Much Faster -
Re: David - It's Much Better and Much Faster -
Re: David - You Already Owe Me a Bunch of Chips
They are all on the way now grin
Re: very nice job David vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg