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The Chip Board Archive 13

I'd sell mint set of 6 for $21.

In response to the last post, I'd sell a mint set of 6 for $21 postpaid-insured (USA; slightly more perhaps to Canada, etc.) (I can't sell just one chip because I just have 4 sets of 6; no loose extras.) Look first on eBay. They often show up there, often for less I guess. Maybe you'll find the Canadsian one there. Good luck.


Messages In This Thread

Is this a real chip?
Re: Fantasy
Re: Is this a real chip?
Re: Is this a real chip?
Yes, fantasy; look at Club page in future.
Re: Yes, fantasy; look at Club page in future.
I'd sell mint set of 6 for $21.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg