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The Chip Board Archive 13

I'm no NEWBY and I bought one of the lots !!!!

I have been collecting lowly Roulette chips, various mold chips and UFO's for 13 years now and I bought one of Paul's lots because there were a couple of chips I needed for my collection and one of them is fairly rare. I have a lot of chips that I picked up for a dollar or two that are now worth over $100 each - how's that for appreciation. I think it is a lot of fun to find a real "Gem" in a junque box or in lots like Paul is offering.
Take care,
"Mr. Roulette"

Messages In This Thread

Newby special--a medley of chips for $11.00
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Re: #3 Newby special--a medley of chips for $11.00
vbg Thanks Paul - It's a Real Service ... vbg
Service??? Just A Minute Here...
I was thinking the same thing...
Re: I was thinking the same thing...
don't think it hurts the team.... LOL
Mark, you've got to realize....
Re: Mark, you've got to realize....
Re: Service??? Just A Minute Here...
I had a snapping turtle in college.
I'm no NEWBY and I bought one of the lots !!!!
$2.00 chips at the flea market is how I started
I'm a MIDDLEBIE - not new, not old and I ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg