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The Chip Board Archive 13

Easier said than done, but it is possible!

Go out to the Internet, search for mag-stripe encoders. Look for one that is a stand-alone device (i.e., does not need a computer) and read specifications to see if it can both read and write mag-stripe cards.

Buy the device, read your lower-level card into the device (it will be a number, a long one and maybe in hex) then encode your Kat card with that same number.

This also works with encoding a credit card with your slot club card info. (Only do this with an old, expired credit card.) Of course it even works with those super market cards, calling cards and just about any card with a mag-stripe!

No, I do not have one of those machines, but some Club members do (or atleast access to one.

Lastly, you can always try to get the slot club attendant to print you a new card, but insert a card of your choice.

Good luck,


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Do you use vintage Room Keys?
Easier said than done, but it is possible!
Re: Easier said than done, but it is possible!
Don, to my knowledge, in the vast...

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