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The Chip Board Archive 13

Re: Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { N

At home I've been using the McAfee SpamKiller. Came with the Anti-virus package so I installed it. Seems to work reasonably well. However I've also found that the spam filters within most of the major email clients (Thunderbird for example) work very well themselves.

The biggest problem with Spamkiller is that it holds the spam (rather than delivering it to a folder) so sometimes I forget to check. But overall it has a couple of false positives but not too bad.

I've not used the one you've mentioned, but PC magazine has done a review of it at,1759,1738918,00.asp
and gives it a pretty high rating.

Messages In This Thread

Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { NCR }
Re: Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { N
Re: Thanks Ross !!
Re: Spam...I Can't Take It Anymore..Help mad { N
Re: Thanks Rick !!
I use Cloudmark
I use Spam Buddy for OL

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