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The Chip Board Archive 13

Same carpet, same seller.

Good detective work.

These chips aren't rare at all, they're always on ebay all day every day, and they are always "mint" condition. Why is that? Did someone just dig up a treasure chest out of the ground with thousands of these chips all of a sudden?

Seems that they are just making them or purchasing them in bulk to sell on ebay.

I just wish I was the one who has an extra $10,000 to spend on some clay chips with pretty colors on them (and a free carrying case at no extra charge!). Rediculous...

For those of you who don't want to spend $10,000 for chips, why not spend $7.50? Check out my auctions here:

Dave C.

Messages In This Thread

Check Out this Vineyard Auction!!!!
Re: Check Out this Vineyard Auction!!!!
Re: Check Out this Vineyard Auction!!!!
I still think they are two different sellers
Re: I still think they are two different sellers
Re: Check Out this Vineyard Auction!!!!
Nope, its the same carpet and trim
Same carpet, same seller.
Sellers web site from "Me" eBay page
Watch out for the old Shipping Charge Scam!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg