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The Chip Board Archive 13

An observation regarding Wynn chips...

All of the ones I have are very much aligned in two dimensions.

All are medal aligned, and
other than the $2 poker chip, the inlays are all symetrically aligned to the inserts!

I imagine this had to incurr an additional cost per chip.

I have only two that are slightly out-of-alignment. Does anyone have an example that is way out of alignment (either example)?


Messages In This Thread

An observation regarding Wynn chips...
for trade All of mine are identical for trade
Extra! WYNN CHIPS UNDER UV - WOW!!! Extra!
Re: Extra! UV PIC/BAD CAMERA - WOW!!! Extra!
Re: Other cool UV designs?
Luxor $1 chips had various markings
Some of them are better than the chips.
Re: Microdot
Here is a great microdot photo

Copyright 2022 David Spragg